To Your Corners!

No matter where on a substrate I begin a mosaic, I always get a thrill completing a corner.

I’m mostly in the trees rather than the forest as I work, setting tesserae all over the substrate and in every direction, trusting the process. But when a corner comes together, a two-directional finish, it's a confirming glimpse of the harmonious wholeness I’m actually aiming toward with every tessera. I always pause and appreciate that glimpse, take a quick photo, and re-tackle the interior feeling invigorated and reinspired (I come out of the corner swingin’, so to speak).

Any of the corners have this effect, but the signature block corner - typically the lower right - is especially cheering when I've actually remembered to add my signature block! 🙄 I too rarely remember the stellar advice given me by my dear friend and colleague Jo Braun, which was to plant one’s signature first, then build the mosaic around it. She ain't wrong! When I do take that advice, my signature ends up a much more graceful part of the mosaic, having been built up to and incorporated rather than shoved in at the last minute simply to have done so.